Jake, I'll try changing it to bounce and I'll get back to you.  But
doesn't the "bounce" create more traffic?  What I've thought happens
is that we get the original spam for a non-valid account, we send out
a bounce, and then that bounce gets bounced back to us because the
sender didn't really exist.  I know that somewhere the bounce gets
stopped, but is it after I've sent mine, or is it after they've sent
their bounce?  Kind of seems like a waste of bandwidth and resources
if 2 bounces get sent, or even if I'm bouncing to a non-valid original

As for the wiki instructions - I have mis-understood them.  It says to
recipient.  It seemed to me that this meant I could send it to anyone
even a user on the same domain.  It might be helpful to say what you
told me here, "do not use a valid domain" for the recipient or
something like that as I never would have understood that from just
the example.

And are there any instructions or suggestions on viewing this new
non-valid Inbox from sqmail or some other reader - so I can validate
whats going on since the [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain doesn't really exist?
Perhaps sqmail will let me login as that user since it has the domain
and user in vpopmail?  I'll try that too.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:35 AM, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tek Support wrote:
>> I have a few questions in answering your suggestions.
>> 1) In qmailadmin there is such a thing as a "catchall", but I don't
>> have any "catchall" setup as such.
>> 2) My .qmail-default covers this account and it says delete.
>> --.qmail-default--
>> | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' delete
>> --end--
> It will accept email for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete messages to unknown 
> users
> this way. Try changing it to bounce and see if that eliminates your problem.
>> 3) You said don't do this:
>> But in the instructions it says to do exactly that.  If I don't do
>> that, then what am I supposed to do?
> Then the instructions are wrong. If you're talking about the wiki, I'll
> change them.
> You need to create a new domain on the machine - it does not have to be a
> real domain. It could be a fake domain called "tap.mydomain.com", and you
> send the emails to an address at the fake domain. This will stop the
> circular loop you've got.
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