On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Kyle Quillen wrote:
> Hello all,
> Running into a small issue.  I have alot of users that being blocked by
> spamhaus and when i take spamhaus off of my bls then they can work.  My
> question is I know that xen is very good at blocking spam but it is also
> blocking my users is there a way that I can put a list of ips that will not
> be looked at by xen.  I have spamdyke installed and have put the ips that I
> want to allow in the whitelist_ip but that does not seem to be helping
> Are you using th blacklist in your /var/qmail/control/blacklists file or in
> Spamdyke?  If you're using it in Spandyke, there is no reason to use it in
> the blacklists file. Spamdyke will use the blacklist, but only if the user
> does not authenticate.
Or, you can use submission port (587). It only accepts authenticated users
and does not use blacklists.


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