On the old system:

mysqldump vpopmail -uvpopmail -p > vpopmail-dump.sql

On the new one:

mysql vpopmail -uvpopmail -p < vpopmail-dump.sql

Good luck,

Am 23.02.2009 20:31, schrieb Dan Page:
I'm doing a similar backup and restore.  But the old machine is a 2 year
old toaster on cnt4.4.  the new machine is  fresh install with cnt5.1.
I got everything to move over fine, except the mysql data base I think
the old server has a different version of mysql.  I'm experimenting with
my sql dump and a restore.   Does anyone have any advice as to the best
way to move the database manually?

I can log in from both machines with
mysql -u vpopmail -pqwerty vpopmail (the password is changed here for
security) but when doing a
show tables; I get no output on the new server.

and the full list on the old one.  Any advice on doing a manual mysql
backup restore would be appreciated.

Oh and thanks to everyone.  I found so much useful information in the
mailing list archive.  I could never have never got this far with out


On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 17:44 -0700, Eric Shubert wrote:
dnk wrote:
Hey there,

I was going through a test run today trying out the qtp-backup and qtp-restore.

I made sure both machines had the same version of qtp.

One was a toaster that has been running for some months and is now centos 4.6.
The new one is a brand spanking new centos 5.1 install, with a blank
set of domains.

SO for sh**s and giggles I wanted to see if i could restore back onto
the new toaster.

All my data appears to be there. The vqadmin reports back all of the
users and passwords. As does the vpopmail bin tools.

Now when I attempt to log into webmail, I get the dreaded "ERROR:
Connection dropped by IMAP server." error (google returns many many
reasons and apparent solutions - none of which have yet worked for me
thus far). When I attempt to login to the qmailadmin, I get an
"invalid password" error.

I double checked and I have the ports listening (so it seems).

Here is the output of netstats -pant:

# netstat -pant
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address
      State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0       *
      LISTEN      16192/tcpserver
tcp        0      0       *
      LISTEN      16154/tcpserver
tcp        0      0      *
      LISTEN      2603/mysqld
tcp        0      0       *
      LISTEN      16151/tcpserver
tcp        0      0       *
      LISTEN      16180/tcpserver
tcp        0      0     *
      LISTEN      16133/perl
tcp        0      0       *
      LISTEN      16230/tcpserver
tcp        0      0      *
      LISTEN      30042/named
tcp        0      0        *
      LISTEN      16221/tcpserver
tcp        0      0     *
      LISTEN      30042/named
tcp        0      0 :::80                       :::*
      LISTEN      16417/httpd
tcp        0      0 ::1:53                      :::*
      LISTEN      30042/named
tcp        0      0 :::22                       :::*
      LISTEN      2416/sshd
tcp        0      0 ::1:953                     :::*
      LISTEN      30042/named
tcp        0      0 :::443                      :::*
      LISTEN      16417/httpd
tcp        0   1728 ::ffff:my.remote.ip.addy:22
::ffff:my.office.ip.addy:51994  ESTABLISHED 15897/0

Now could this simply be due to the fact that the OS versions are
different? Is this a lost cause?


I highly doubt it (but anything's possible), and no.

I wouldn't trust vqadmin at all, but some folks say it's ok for looking
things up.

My first guess would be MySQL grants. Did you run the mysqladmin commands in
the cnt50-svcs.sh script? I would expect so since you can retrieve
information with /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo. Is the password there the
same as what's in /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql ?

(Hey, it's just a guess)

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