On Mar 23, 2009, at 1:28 PM, Dan Page wrote:

My toaster was working fine but as of lately it seems simscan is not
running clamav or spamassassin on incoming mail.  running
/var/qmail/bin/simscanmk -g
LibClamAV Error: cl_cvdhead: Can't open file /usr/share/clamav/ main.cvd LibClamAV Error: cl_cvdhead: Can't open file /usr/share/clamav/ daily.cvd
simscan versions cdb file built. /var/qmail/control/simversions.cdb

this sounds a lot like the problem i saw a while back around the release of clamav-toaster-0.93. are you running freshclam to get clamav database updates? if so, you may need a patched version of simscan that knows how to read the updates in the new format. i have packaged such a patch here:


please make sure that you have handy an already-built version of the stock simscan-toaster *before* you install a patched RPM, so that you can easily roll back if something goes wrong.


p.s. i have already submitted this update to Jake; no doubt it'll make its way into the distribution at some point, one way or another, and then i'll be able to take down this page. for the time being, have at it. :)

If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v

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