Adam Glass wrote:
Hi again,

Some of the vqadmin issues mentioned here are making me a little nervous. If you don't mind, I'd like to review my setup so far and ask if there is anything to worry about.

The plan is to handle e-mail for three domains on the server, accessing via IMAP and sometimes Squirrelmail. Two of those domains are live on a server elsewhere now.

I created all three virtual domains using vqadmin, and also created e-mail users for each with vqadmin. Then I went into qmail-admin to designate one address from each domain to be the catchall.

Next I configured BIND for the domain that is not already live, then pointed the upstream DNS there to make it live. E-mail seems to work fine, sending and receiving.

My next step will be to move one of the two live domains over. This is e-mail from a functioning business that cannot be messed up. Now, it sounds like the problems people have experienced with vqadmin happen when they change or remove virtual domains. If that's true, perhaps I am okay.

Or should I remove all of the virtual domains, all of the users, and start from scratch with the CLI or QControl?

I don't see any documentation on how to remove users or virtual domains via CLI. Can anyone point me to it?

If I purchase QControl, will it be able to remove the users and virtual domains created by vqadmin, or might things get worse instead?

If you can still view the domains in vqadmin, then it did not mess your database up. Even if it did, you can run the mysql command to reset the number of users from 247..... to 0 and you will be fine. Vqadmin only really creates issues when you use it to create domains and users (which you've already done) and do not fill in ALL fields, from my experience. It will still occasionally mess things up, but if you can view the domain in vqadmin then chances are it did not mess them up for you this time. I have never used vqadmin to create users, so I cannot say what issues that may have caused others. I only used qmailadmin to create users.
I think you're okay at this point though.
The commands to delete users/domains are in the same vpopmail bin directory:
/home/vpopmail/bin/vdeluser []
/home/vpopmail/bin/vdeldomain []

QControl will work fine, even for domains that are messed up with vqadmin.

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