amit IKF wrote:
Hi Richard,

As mentioned I have created <> file. Do I need to restart spamd service? If yes how to do that?



On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Richard Vinke < <>> wrote:

    amit IKF wrote:
    Hi Richard,

    As you mentioned in your previous mail, I had done both the entry.



    Now how do I understand whether mails downloaded and delivered
    are scanned or not?

    Thanks and regards,

    On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:26 AM, Eric Shubert <
    <>> wrote:

        Richard Vinke wrote:

            amit IKF wrote:

                Hi Richard,

                That didn't solved the problem. Even I added
                "Qmailqueue= /var/qmail/bin/simscan" in 127.: but it
                didn't work.



                On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:33 AM, Richard Vinke
                <>>> wrote:

                   amit IKF wrote:

                       Hi Everyone,

                       How can I filter all my mails whether they are
                    incoming emails,
                       outgoing emails or emails downloaded by
                    fetchmail for spam or
                       virus before delivering the mail?
                       Another issue is I'm unable to see clamd
                    status in headers for my
                       incoming emails?

                       Thanks and regards,


                       On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Phil Leinhauser
                       < <>
                    <>>> wrote:

                           Dang....  Wrong place to send that.  I
                    meant it to go to Eric
                           Sorry list.

                           > I sent that Dovecot article to Jake to
                    look over also.  I
                           want to
                           > make sure I have everything at least
                    close before I send it
                           to the Dev
                           > group
                           > Phil

                   In the tcp.smtp file, there is a difference
                between your local
                   stuff (127.) and the rest.
                   The line after 127.: says: no scanning
                   Fetchmail is seen as local, therefore it is not

                   Remove the 127.: line (or start it with a #) and
                "qmailctl cdb"
                   should do the job.

                   Richard Vinke.


            I had the same problem (fetchmail mail is not scanned). I
            changed my tcp.smtp to:



:allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simsc an",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",NOP0FCHECK="1"

            Fetchmail is catched by the 192.: line.

            Perhaps the Qmailqueue should be QMAILQUEUE?

            Richard Vinke

            ps I turned of my e-mail notification now..... sorry for
            bothering the list.

        Nice catch, Richard. That, as most things in Linux, is CaSe

-- -Eric 'shubes'

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    Hi Amit,

    I made a filter /etc/mail/spamassassin/ <>:

        # Spam validation
        # if *****SPAM*****

        header     ALREADY_SPAM        Subject =~ /\*\*SPAM\*\*/
        describe   ALREADY_SPAM        Message is already marked as spam
        score      ALREADY_SPAM        5

    Create a mail with a subject starting with "***SPAM***". Get it
    with fetchmail --keep --fetchall and check the source of the
    message. It must contain the ALREADU_SPAM remark.

    Richard Vinke

    ps the --keep keeps the message on the remote server, the
    --fetchall also gets the 'seen' mail. So you only have to create
    the mail once, and use it many times. I also created a mail with
    the eicar virus.

Just checked my wiki, i did a =/var/qmail/bin/simscanmk; qmailctl cdb; reboot=.


Richard Vinke

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