Hello all. I've been away for quite a while and haven't followed qmailtoaster's 
progress very closely. I am now getting back into it and I'd like to update a 
very old qmailtoaster (2004) install but I'm uncertain if the hardware is still 
supported. I have a ppc that I'd like to reuse for this purpose but, after a 
couple of days, I can't find anything that says it is still supported. In the 
past I remember I used to pass redhat arguments to the rpms during install but 
with the new OS advancements ppc  support may be just a memory. Machine specs 
are below:

Machine - PPC power tower pro
OS - yellow dog linux 4.0 (redhat variant)

I did find one reference to ppc in the mailing lists but it was vague. It might 
have been a reference to a client not the server. Any suggestions are of course 

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