On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Kent Busbee <kbusb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:52 PM,  <kbusb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have several emails in the queue that go out very slowly. My situation is
>> very similar to the following:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com/msg22328.html
>> But I did not see a resolution.
>> send logs say (lots of ):
>> 05-12 16:19:44 warning: unable to open todo/7017051
>> qmail user id is 89 - check
>> queue folders/files all have qmailq:qmail ownership - check
>> i did notice that the permissions are rw for owner only:
>> [r...@mail2 todo]# ls -l
>> total 44
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 Apr 2 21:31 7012578
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 11:35 7017047
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 11:40 7017049
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 11:45 7017051
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 11:50 7017053
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 11:55 7017056
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 12:00 7017062
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 12:05 7017064
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 12:10 7017066
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 12:15 7017068
>> -rw------- 2 qmailq qmail 72 May 7 12:34 7017070
>> [r...@mail2 todo]#
>> Only difference for me is that I upgraded to dovecot after the move to a new
>> server.
>> any help is greatly appreciated.
> OK, did a queue repair with some fixes, but it did not seem to help.
> For fun I added chmod +r to todo queues and they went through,  I
> guess.  I now how some errors like this in send logs:
> 05-12 22:18:04 delivery 163: failure: 
> Sorry._Although_I'm_listed_as_a_best-prefe
> rence_MX_or_A_for_that_host,/it_isn't_in_my_control/locals_file,_so_I_don't_trea
> t_it_as_local._(#5.4.6)/
> Googling tells me this has something to do with hostname and control files:
> Could this have to do with the new host having a different name mail2
> instead of mail1?
> [r...@mail2 control]# hostname
> mail2.northlakechristian.org
> [r...@mail2 control]# cat /var/qmail/control/me
> mail.northlakechristian.org
> [r...@mail2 control]# cat /var/qmail/control/locals
> localhost
> mail
> mail2
> northlakechristian.org
> [r...@mail2 control]# cat /etc/hosts
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
>               localhost.localdomain localhost
> ::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
>           mail2.northlakechristian.org mail2
> I'm sure /etc/hosts is wrong, though I do not know what it should be
> or how it got the 209 address.
> any help?

ok... now I recall, the 209 is like a default or nameserver goes to
when it does not know the address. This new server is an internal
server which the firewall ports to.

Follows was the results of the repair:

Output of a queue repair

Copyright (C) 2001 Charles Cazabon <pqt @ discworld.dyndns.org>
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2

running in repair mode
finding qmail UIDs/GIDs...
  qmaill  : UID 7792
  qmaild  : UID 7791
  alias   : UID 7790
  qmailr  : UID 7795
  qmails  : UID 7796
  qmailp  : UID 7793
  qmailq  : UID 7794
  qmail   : GID 2108
  nofiles : GID 2107
determining conf-split...
  conf-split appears to be 23
determining big-todo...
  big-todo not found
checking main queue directories...
  checking directory queue...
  checking directory queue/bounce...
  checking directory queue/info...
  checking directory queue/intd...
  checking directory queue/local...
  checking directory queue/lock...
  checking directory queue/mess...
  checking directory queue/pid...
  checking directory queue/remote...
  checking directory queue/todo...
checking split sub-directories...
  checking directory queue/local/0...
  checking directory queue/local/1...
  checking directory queue/local/2...
  checking directory queue/local/3...
  checking directory queue/local/4...
  checking directory queue/local/5...
  checking directory queue/local/6...
  checking directory queue/local/7...
  checking directory queue/local/8...
  checking directory queue/local/9...
  checking directory queue/local/10...
  checking directory queue/local/11...
  checking directory queue/local/12...
  checking directory queue/local/13...
  checking directory queue/local/14...
  checking directory queue/local/15...
  checking directory queue/local/16...
  checking directory queue/local/17...
  checking directory queue/local/18...
  checking directory queue/local/19...
  checking directory queue/local/20...
  checking directory queue/local/21...
  checking directory queue/local/22...
  checking directory queue/remote/0...
  checking directory queue/remote/1...
  checking directory queue/remote/2...
  checking directory queue/remote/3...
  checking directory queue/remote/4...
  checking directory queue/remote/5...
  checking directory queue/remote/6...
  checking directory queue/remote/7...
  checking directory queue/remote/8...
  checking directory queue/remote/9...
  checking directory queue/remote/10...
  checking directory queue/remote/11...
  checking directory queue/remote/12...
  checking directory queue/remote/13...
  checking directory queue/remote/14...
  checking directory queue/remote/15...
  checking directory queue/remote/16...
  checking directory queue/remote/17...
  checking directory queue/remote/18...
  checking directory queue/remote/19...
  checking directory queue/remote/20...
  checking directory queue/remote/21...
  checking directory queue/remote/22...
  checking directory queue/mess/0...
  checking directory queue/mess/1...
  checking directory queue/mess/2...
  checking directory queue/mess/3...
  checking directory queue/mess/4...
  checking directory queue/mess/5...
  checking directory queue/mess/6...
  checking directory queue/mess/7...
  checking directory queue/mess/8...
  checking directory queue/mess/9...
  checking directory queue/mess/10...
  checking directory queue/mess/11...
  checking directory queue/mess/12...
  checking directory queue/mess/13...
  checking directory queue/mess/14...
  checking directory queue/mess/15...
  checking directory queue/mess/16...
  checking directory queue/mess/17...
  checking directory queue/mess/18...
  checking directory queue/mess/19...
  checking directory queue/mess/20...
  checking directory queue/mess/21...
  checking directory queue/mess/22...
  checking directory queue/info/0...
  checking directory queue/info/1...
  checking directory queue/info/2...
  checking directory queue/info/3...
  checking directory queue/info/4...
  checking directory queue/info/5...
  checking directory queue/info/6...
  checking directory queue/info/7...
  checking directory queue/info/8...
  checking directory queue/info/9...
  checking directory queue/info/10...
  checking directory queue/info/11...
  checking directory queue/info/12...
  checking directory queue/info/13...
  checking directory queue/info/14...
  checking directory queue/info/15...
  checking directory queue/info/16...
  checking directory queue/info/17...
  checking directory queue/info/18...
  checking directory queue/info/19...
  checking directory queue/info/20...
  checking directory queue/info/21...
  checking directory queue/info/22...
checking files...
checking queue/mess files...
checking split locations...
  queue/todo/7017062 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017062 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017070 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017070 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017051 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017051 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017047 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017047 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017064 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017064 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017049 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017049 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017056 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017056 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7012578 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7012578 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017066 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017066 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017068 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017068 mode to 644
  queue/todo/7017053 is mode 600, should be 644
  changed queue/todo/7017053 mode to 644
  queue/mess/2/7017693 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/2/7017693 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/3/7017717 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/3/7017717 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/3/7017694 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/3/7017694 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/4/7017672 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/4/7017672 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/4/7017626 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/4/7017626 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/5/7017650 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/5/7017650 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/6/7017582 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/6/7017582 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/6/7017628 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/6/7017628 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/8/7017653 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/8/7017653 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/9/7017539 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/9/7017539 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/10/7017632 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/10/7017632 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/10/7017540 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/10/7017540 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/11/7017656 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/11/7017656 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/13/7017589 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/13/7017589 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/13/7017635 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/13/7017635 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/13/7017543 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/13/7017543 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/14/7017705 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/14/7017705 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/15/7017683 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/15/7017683 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/15/7017085 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/15/7017085 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/17/7017593 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/17/7017593 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/21/7017597 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/21/7017597 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/mess/22/7017736 ownership 7794:89, should be qmailq:qmail
  fixed, queue/mess/22/7017736 ownership 7794:2108
  queue/intd/7017062 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017062 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017070 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017070 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017051 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017051 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017047 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017047 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017064 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017064 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017049 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017049 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017056 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017056 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7012578 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7012578 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017066 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017066 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017068 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017068 mode to 600
  queue/intd/7017053 is mode 644, should be 600
  changed queue/intd/7017053 mode to 600
[r...@mail2 todo]# qmailctl start
Starting qmail-toaster: svscan.
[r...@mail2 todo]# qmqtool -s
Messages in local queue: 0
Messages in remote queue: 22
Messages in todo queue: 11
[r...@mail2 todo]# qmqtool -s
Messages in local queue: 0
Messages in remote queue: 22
Messages in todo queue: 11
[r...@mail2 todo]#

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    Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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