Super Thank You! This line in /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp With the missing QMAILQUE was the culprit.
How I got that I will have to make a few test installations. This problem is solved. Replication, later. ------------- > The 2nd line should look like this: :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simscan",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",NOP0FCHECK="1" The QMAILQUEUE variable is what invokes simscan, and simscan invokes spamassassin and clamav. You'll also need the NOP0FKEY=1 variable. Do you have any idea how you ended up with no QMAILQUEUE variable? This is not the first time that has happened to someone recently. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group ( Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations. If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages. To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: