On 06/08/2010 07:13 PM, Scott Hughes wrote:
As some of you know I am working on bringing up a replicated server. I am curious if it would be a good idea and/or advisable to copy the spamassassin database from my older server that has been in service for a while to the new one so that the new server doesn't have to 'catch up' with the old one. Catch up meaning that new server won't have the learning curve that it normally would.

Also, I would like to replicate (sync) some of the other files - like the spamassassin .cf files, the spamdyke files (/opt/spamdyke/etc) - things like that.

The spamassassin DB is flat, so you can just copy it from one server to the other, and then restart spamd to get it to use that DB. You can sync over whatever you want really - that way you only need to make changes on one system to have them applied to the other server.

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