I use Roundcube... Still in beta somewhat but very reliable. I have been using it for 6 months without any problems. Disclaimer: I only have 1 domain and about 60 business users.


Really nice interface, easy to install, great options.


On 9/27/2010 5:42 PM, Scott Hughes wrote:

On 9/27/10 3:29 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. wrote:
I need a good web interface for my Qmail Toaster. I know it has been discussed on this list many times before, but I have to ask. I would like a nice Commercial looking interface to direct my customers to, what would the group suggest? I do not care if it is a squirelmail skin that I have to pay for or some other completely different application.

Thank you,
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.


I presume you mean a mail client application, not an administrative one.

There will be a Horde webmail package available for QMT at some point in the not too distant future, I expect by the end of the year.

Egroupware also has a nice webmail app (from what I've heard).

There are also skins for squirrelmail, some of which would require you to use their package instead of squirrelmail-toaster, which only means that you might have a little configuration to do with it. The squirrelmail configuration isn't difficult.

Basically, any web app that's imap/smtp compatible should work just fine. Take your pick.

I couldn't locate the Horde install guide on the wiki site, but here is Anil's guide that should take care of you!

*_Horde Configuration Guide:_**__*

(Assuming you are using Centos 5 or RHEL 5 distro but horde installation steps will remain same in all linux distros)

*Step 1:***

Download horde tar file into any downloads folder

wget ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/horde-webmail/horde-webmail-latest.tar.gz

go to the www root folder.

# cd /var/www/html

# tar -zxvf /path to you horde download folder/horde-webmail-latest.tar.gz

# mv  horde-webmail-1.2.6  horde

# cd  horde

Install Required PHP modules:

# yum -y install GeoIP geoip-devel gd ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-perl

# yum -y install php-mbstring php-gettext php-gd php-xml php-mcrypt php-pecl-Fileinfo

# pecl install Imagic json LZF geoip

edit   /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  and add the following:

<Directory /var/www/html/horde>
Options  Includes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AcceptPathInfo On
php_flag track_vars On
#php_admin_value memory_limit 384M
php_admin_value post_max_size 20M

# service httpd restart


check if all required php modules are installed Step 2.

*Step 2:***

Now Configure Horde:

*# cd /var/www/html/horde*

Before executing the setup.php script we need to change the default password for user horde in the sql script for horde database creation. If you don't want to change the default password skip this step and directly to Step3 and run the setup script:

*# vi scripts/sql/create.mysql.sql*

USE mysql;

REPLACE INTO user (host, user, password)

    VALUES (



-- IMPORTANT: Change this password.

        PASSWORD('horde') <---------------(Change you password here)


save the file and proceed to step 3.

*Step 3:** *

# cd  /var/ww/html/horde

# php scripts/setup.php

What is the web root path on your web server for this installation, i.e. the path of the address you use to access Horde Groupware Webmail Edition in your browser? [/horde]

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu

    (0) Exit

    (1) Configure database settings

    (2) Create database or tables

    (3) Configure administrator settings

    (4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location

    (5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version

Type your choice: *1*

What database backend should we use? [false]

    (false) [None]

    (dbase) dBase

    (ibase) Firebird/InterBase

    (fbsql) Frontbase

    (ifx) Informix

    (msql) mSQL

    (mssql) MS SQL Server

    (mysql) MySQL

    (mysqli) MySQL (mysqli)

    (oci8) Oracle

    (odbc) ODBC

    (pgsql) PostgreSQL

    (sqlite) SQLite

    (sybase) Sybase

Type your choice: *mysql*

Request persistent connections? [0]

    (1) Yes

    (0) No

Type your choice: *1*

Username to connect to the database as* [] *horde*

Password to connect with [] Your Password that you changed to in Step 2. *(If you have not changed in the password in step 2 then type **horde**)*

How should we connect to the database? [unix]

    (unix) UNIX Sockets

    (tcp) TCP/IP

Type your choice: *unix*

Location of UNIX socket [] */var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock** (or wherever you mysql.sock file is type full path here)*

Database name to use* [] *horde*

Internally used charset* [utf-8]

Use SSL to connect to the server? [0]

    (1) Yes

    (0) No

Type your choice: *1*

Certification Authority to use for SSL connections [] *(Ignore this and leave blank )*

Split reads to a different server? [false]

    (false) Disabled

    (true) Enabled

*Type your choice: **false*

Writing main configuration file

Done configuring database settings.

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu

    (0) Exit

    (1) Configure database settings

    (2) Create database or tables

    (3) Configure administrator settings

    (4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location

    (5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version

*Type your choice: **2*

Should we create the database for you? If yes, you need to provide a database

user that has permissions to create new databases on your system. If no, we

will only create the database tables for you. [y]

    (y) Yes

    (n) No

*Type your choice: **y*

Database superuser for creating the database if necessary for your database system: root

Specify a password for the database user: anaconda#1

Loading database module...

Creating database...

[   OK   ] Successfully created the database.

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Mail (imp).

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Filters (ingo).

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Address Book (turba).

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Calendar (kronolith).

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Tasks (nag).

[   OK   ] Successfully created the tables for Notes (mnemo).

Should we build the database with METAR weather stations now? This is necessary if you want to display METAR weather information. Building the database requires a network connection. [y]

    (y) Yes

    (n) No

*Type your choice: **n*

Done creating database.

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu

    (0) Exit

    (1) Configure database settings

    (2) Create database or tables

    (3) Configure administrator settings

    (4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location

    (5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version

*Type your choice: 0*

Thank you for using Horde Groupware Webmail Edition!

[r...@mail-srv horde]#

Your all done now with the basic installation of Horde. Go to the URL http://your-server-ip/horde or https://yourmaildomain/horde and login with your email username and password.

To coustomise the webmail options/features/prefs you need to edit imp/config/prefs.php file.

If need any help please write me an email.



Anil Aliyan

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