I'm not seeing that on my CentOS 5.4 QMT (for example, not the most recent). Which version of CentOS are you running? Yum version?
qmailtoaster-plus version?

I'd try running
# yum clean all
and see if that clears things up.

Those packages are in the rpmforge repo. The current qtp-dependencies script invokes qtp-install-rpmforge to be sure that the current rpmforge repo is being used:
# qtp-dependencies
qtp-dependencies v0.3.0
qtp-install-rpmforge v0.3.1 - getting latest version of rpmforge-release ...
qtp-install-rpmforge - installed package rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf is the latest - nothing done.

qtp-dependencies - updating toaster (mostly spamassassin) dependencies ...

It would be helpful if you'd post the versions of various things:
# qtp-whatami
# rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort

-Eric 'shubes'

On 02/12/2011 02:03 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
Hello List,

I am setting up a new toaster and ran qtp-dependencies and had it return
the following:

qtp-dependencies - updating toaster (mostly spamassassin) dependencies ...
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Could not find update match for perl(Getopt::Long)
Could not find update match for perl(Net::Ident)
Could not find update match for perl(Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum)
Could not find update match for perl(IO::Socket::SSL)
Could not find update match for perl(Net::DNS)
Could not find update match for perl(DB_File)
Could not find update match for perl(Mail::DomainKeys)
Could not find update match for perl(Compress::Zlib)
Could not find update match for perl(Mail::SPF)
Could not find update match for which
Could not find update match for perl(Net::SMTP)
Could not find update match for perl(DBI)
Could not find update match for perl(MIME::Base64)
Could not find update match for perl(IP::Country::Fast)
Could not find update match for perl(Encode::Detect)
Could not find update match for perl(HTTP::Date)
Could not find update match for ncurses-devel
Could not find update match for procmail
Could not find update match for perl(Mail::DKIM)
Could not find update match for perl(Time::HiRes)
Could not find update match for perl(Digest::SHA1)
Could not find update match for perl(Archive::Tar)
Could not find update match for perl(IO::Zlib)
Could not find update match for perl(LWP::UserAgent)
Could not find update match for perl(Razor2::Client::Agent)
Could not find update match for perl(IO::Socket::INET6)
Could not find update match for perl(HTML::Parser)
No Packages marked for Update/Obsoletion

Is this anything to worry about?



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