Hi Guys.

Why have You gone to scramble mode ?:-)


On 26-02-2011 12:34, Ariel wrote:
gracias,, muchachos,, ya que estamos en español?

alguien conoce alguna utilidad web o algo para hacer mas facil la administracion de qmail, sobre todo el manejo de logs,, que para mi es muy engorroso.


2011/2/25 Carlos Herrera Polo <carlos.herrerap...@gmail.com <mailto:carlos.herrerap...@gmail.com>>

    Excelente, antes existia una lista de qmail en castellano pero

    2011/2/25, Noel Rivera (Border Less) <nriv...@borderless.com.mx
    > Yo también hablo español, por si alguien necesita ayuda
    > Saludos.
    > borderless_small
    > Borderless Consulting Group SA de CV.
    > Noel Alban Rivera Rivera
    > Jefe de Redes y Telecomunicaciones
    > Tel. (915) 633-61-04
    > Nextel 62*142650*2
    > P Por favor considera el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este
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    > From: Ariel [mailto:lauchafernan...@gmail.com
    > Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:03 PM
    > To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
    > Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: help -- smtp forward--
    > gracias,, al fin alguien español
    > 2011/2/25 Carlos Herrera Polo <carlos.herrerap...@gmail.com
    > Ariel, armando una ruta en smtproutes soluciona tu problema
    > 2011/2/25 Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net <mailto:e...@shubes.net>>
    > On 02/25/2011 09:18 AM, Ariel wrote:
    > List, I need your help urgently.
    > Tenqo qmail running on a single domain, but I need all outgoing mail
    > from that domain, it can be sent by another server.
    > since I'm tieneindo blacklisting problems.
    > if one can not rule need to forward all outgoing mail to another
    > qmail different.
    > Lista,, necesito su ayuda, de forma urgente.
    > Tenqo qmail funcionando con un solo dominio, pero necesito que
    todo el
    > correo saliente de ese dominio, lo pueda enviar por otro servidor.
    > ya que estoy tieneindo problemas de listas negras.
    > si no se puede por dominio necesito reenviar todo el correo
    saliente del
    > qmail por otro smtp diferente.
    > This problem is encountered when QMT is on a dynamic IP address
    (and some
    > other situations as well). I use the "SendLabs SMTP" service
    (formerly known
    > as Mailhop Outbound) from http://dyndns.com/. It's affordable,
    but the
    > number of emails you can send per day is limited. This service
    is extremely
    > reliable. Once you have purchased the service, you simply need
    to add this
    > line to your /var/qmail/control/smtproutes file:
    > :outbound.mailhop.org:2525 <http://outbound.mailhop.org:2525>
    <username> <password>
    > and you're all set. Probably need to stop/start qmail after
    changing this
    > file, but I'm not certain whether this is necessary or not.
    > Note, there are other companies who provide this service as
    well. You might
    > want to shop around. Just to be clear, I am a DynDNS customer,
    but I have no
    > other relationship with the company. I have had nothing but good
    > with them though (for 5 years now).
    > --
    > -Eric 'shubes'
    > -----
    > Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
    > (www.vickersconsulting.com <http://www.vickersconsulting.com>)
    >   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and
    >     If you need professional help with your setup, contact them
    > -----
    >    Please visit qmailtoaster.com <http://qmailtoaster.com> for
    the latest news, updates, and packages.
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