
separating tcprules for smtp and submission works great. we have been
using this for years.

concerning the error tony is facing

i have noticed in the past that : intrusion threshold error (571 sorry,
you are violating our security policies) is recd when the number of wrong
recepients gets triggered.

in case of outlook i have noted that it somehow does this

if i add an user in my address book in some cases it converts it into :
'' -- ie with quotes at both ends

you can google : "outlook adds quotes to email address" and you will find
over 50000 results ... :) and there are hundreds of people complaining
about this stupdity of microsoft.

if an email is sent to the above email id then i get error : invalid host

note the quote at the end ...

probably this is what triggers the intrusion policy rule

when sending to 300 recepients especially with outlook there is every
possibility of this issue coming up.

on a side note : i feel that qmailtoaster would need a slight modification
to remove quotes and other non-permitted characters from both ends ie
starting and ending of the email id to care off such issues of quotes.


> These are all good things to do to QMT, and I hope to have separate
> tcprules for smtp and submission ports in the stock QMT at some point.
> Tony, from what you've indicated though, I expect it's the intrusion
> threshold rule that's biting you. I'm not certain what triggers this
> rule, and I could be wrong about this. Hopefully Tonino will clarify
> things in this regard.
> Please let us know if changing the CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT variable gets you
> going or not.
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
> On 12/24/2012 04:53 AM, Rajesh M wrote:
>> tony
>> we faced similar problems and this is what we have done
>> in the /var/qmail/supervise
>> there are folders smtp and submission
>> smtp is for people connecting on port 25 -- primarily external users
>> if you open smtp/run then you will see a line
>> TCP_CDB="/etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.cdb"
>> this tcp.smtp.cdb is generated from the file tcp.smtp
>> when you run the command
>> tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp < tcp.smtp
>> tcp.smtp contains the chkuser rules
>> since you already have spamdyke you don't need to set the maximum number
>> of recepients in chkuser
>> coming to your specific problem is submission
>> transmission via submission port 587 is authenticated ie your clients
>> use it
>> the submission/run file also uses the
>> TCP_CDB="/etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.cdb" -- which is by default
>> this means that you will be compelled to use the same setting for smtp
>> however what we have done is make a duplicate of tcp.smtp ie
>> tcp.smtp.587
>> this allows me to have separate chkuser rules exclusively submission
>> port.
>> next i created cdb file out of it using command
>> tcprules tcp.smtp.587.cdb tcp.smtp.587.tmp < tcp.smtp.587
>> next i changed the submission/run file to use
>> TCP_CDB="/etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.587.cdb"
>> and i got a separate rule applied for submission port exclusively
>> my smtp port has spamdyke and chkuser protecting it while my
>> authenticated
>> senders via submission port can enjoy unrestricted services
>> if you want one single static ip to have a separate rule then
>> you can add this line just above the allow: line in
>> /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.587
>> here is the static ip of your customer
>> NOTE : we have also compiled chkuser so that we can start or stop
>> chkuser
>> rajesh
>>> Hi Eric,
>>>     Yes, it is on a static IP and that IP is in the whitelist for
>>> spamdyke.
>>> Also they are using the submission port for sending. The client has
>>> to use M$ Outlook unless you can suggest a an alternative?
>>>    One point is that Outlook seems to attach everything as winmail.dat!
>>> Yet sometimes it attaches as a PDF.
>>> best wishes
>>>     Tony White
>>> Yea Computing Services
>>> 4 The Crescent
>>> Yea
>>> Victoria
>>> Australia 3717
>>> Telephone No's
>>> VIC : 03 9008 5614
>>> FAX : 03 9008 5610 (FAX2Email)
>>> This communication including any file attachments is intended solely
>>> for
>>> the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are
>>> not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for delivering
>>> this communication to the intended recipient, please immediately notify
>>> the sender by email and delete the original transmission and its
>>> contents. Any unauthorised use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or
>>> copying of this communication including file attachments is prohibited.
>>> It is your responsibility to scan this communication including any file
>>> attachments for viruses and other defects. To the extent permitted by
>>> law, Yea Computing Services and its associates will not be liable for
>>> any loss or damage arising in any way from this communication including
>>> any file attachments.
>>> You may not disclose this information to a third party without written
>>> permission from the Author.
>>> On 23/12/2012 03:40, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>>> I guess it's coming from chkuser after all. 571 is the
>>>> chkuser_intrusionthreshold_string.
>>>> I don't see any variable setting for this threshold at
>>>> This would only be helpful though if the user was coming from a
>>>> specific
>>>> static IP address. Is this the case?
>>>> Hey Tonino (chkuser author), any suggestions or insight?
>>>> Thanks.
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