Il 27/12/2012 21:17, Tonix (Antonio Nati) ha scritto:
Il 27/12/2012 19:40, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 12/27/2012 02:58 AM, Tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
Il 24/12/2012 23:49, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
These are all good things to do to QMT, and I hope to have separate
tcprules for smtp and submission ports in the stock QMT at some point.

Tony, from what you've indicated though, I expect it's the intrusion
threshold rule that's biting you. I'm not certain what triggers this
rule, and I could be wrong about this. Hopefully Tonino will clarify
things in this regard.

Please let us know if changing the CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT variable gets you
going or not.

Hello Eric,

Actually there are basically two variables which provoke this message:
max recipients, and max wrong recipients.
Reaching one of this limits sets the 'intrusion flag on', which display
this message for any other following rcpt.



It'd be nice if in a future revision each setting/rule had its own unique message, so admins could tell which limit was triggered. I don't think this is very urgent though.

Actually messages are diversified (i'm quite sure) after the threshold is set. As the threshold is reached, there should be a specific message. After that, always the same message (generic security rule message).

I have to check, but I'm sure 99%. Could be external message is always the same (do not want to give any advantage to intruders), while internally there should be the double phase.



To be totally honest, I expect that spamdyke will soon have pretty much all of the features of chkuser (I understand the forthcoming version will be able to check for the existence of user accounts). When spamdyke becomes part of the stock QMT, chkuser will likely no longer be needed. Chkuser has certainly served its purpose well, none the less.

Thanks Tonino.

You can already check for remote (which in this case means local :-) ) recipients using mailCleaner, which is indipendent of the mail server and can be installed as indipendent VM (doing also load balancing).



         Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati ------------------------------------------------------------

        Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati

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