Thanks Casey.

Very nice script. I really need to get a hold of John Simpson to see if he'd like to participate more directly with the QMT community. I dropped the ball on this about 11 months ago IIRC. Sorry about that.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 05/02/2013 07:09 AM, Casey James Price wrote:

Here is a script I found a while back and have been using ever since to
migrate users from our old Solaris box that is running and old version
Qmail Rocks over to the Linux boxes running the latest version of
QMT...I know its probably different than FreeBSD, but I would think it
should work with a little bit of modification.

Using it is simple:
# migrate-domain

The command above would create a set of tarballs in the current
directory for each user account, one for the domain, and would generate
a script to re-create all of the accounts, mailing lists, aliases, etc.
The only thing I've ever had an issue with was when certain characters
were used in the passwords - so I just had to update the import script
and change the character for any passwords that reported an issue.

Hope this helps.

/*Casey James Price*/
Operations/Technical Support

Smile Global <>
On 5/1/13 10:00 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 04/30/2013 03:03 PM, Dan McAllister wrote:
On 4/30/2013 5:14 PM, Myers, Jon W wrote:
I've got a few domains on a REAL old qmail/vpopmail server setup on
FreeBSD, and want to move some of them to my newest qmail toaster box.
the old system has all the domains in a single MySQL table called
'vpopmail'.  Doing a mysql select statement is trivial to extract out
domain by domain, but I'm wondering about passwords..
on the old server, passwords are 13 characters; similar to
r;8U.kVPtX9oR (changed a few characters around in this post). On the
new, qmailtoaster server, passwords are sometimes in $1$.... format,
and sometimes in that 13 character format.

Old vpopmail is 5.0, new is 5.4.33

Does anyone know if I can just manually import the data into the new
database, and have the passwords just work?

Also, after creating the domain on the new server, is it ok to create
accounts by just putting them in the database, and making the
directories, or does something else need to be updated as well?

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Yes, as your example shows, the password encryption method is apparent
in the format:
  - 13 characters (NOT starting with $1$) is the old CRYPT format (not
that hard to crack, and only really USES the first 8 chars)
  - $1$ passwords are the newer hash (I don't recall offhand what it is,
likely an MD5 variant) and uses the entire password/pass phrase
the auth algorithms will allow either, but generally use the the newer
one when passwords are changed

I hope this helps


Interesting, Dan. Thanks.

IMO, the vpopmail database is a bit convoluted. Rather than becoming
intimately familiar with it, I would consider writing a script to add
the accounts from a flat file. That's pretty simple to do, provided
you can deal with giving people new passwords.

Once the accounts are created on the new host, you can simply rsync
the Maildirs over from the old host and be good to go.

You should also check any forwards on the old system. The current
vpopmail stores them in the database, while I think it used to use the
.qmail files. I'm not sure when that change occurred. The old .qmail
files will still work, but I don't expect that qmailadmin will
recognize them at all.


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