Hmmm. What's in your .repo files for QMT and epel?

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/13/2014 03:09 PM, Finn Buhelt wrote:
Hi Eric.

No it's installed - Package yum-plugin-priorities-1.1.30-17.el6_5.noarch
already installed and latest version.


Den 13-03-2014 22:54, Eric Shubert skrev:
On 03/13/2014 02:39 PM, Finn Buhelt wrote:

I just issued a yum update and got clamav.x86_64-0.98.1-1.el6 from Epel
repository installed. (I pressed 'y' not thinking).

It is on my Centos 6.5 latest and greatest qmailtoaster test
installation (which is (was)  running just fine).

So now I'm stuck with no clamd running ( my  clamd/run and log/run files
are gone and some other changes in locations of files) and I'm not able
to re-install the proper clamav package from the almost current ;-)
Centos6.5 release - what is the name of the package ? or what can I do
to rectify the problem ?




I just tried "yum check-update" and didn't get clamav, and epel is
enabled. I'm guessing that you missed installing yum-plugin-priorities.

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