OOPS - almost as soon as I sent this, I realized that authlib is authenticating IMAP connections, not SMTP

So, I'm looking in my SMTP logs (submission, actually) and was able to find the offending user (dumbass had a password of "123" -- another reason for KEEPING the plaintext passwords available, just limited access!


On 3/27/2014 7:45 PM, Dan McAllister wrote:
OK, here's a known security issue, but now that I'm being exploited, I don't know how to debug.

It appears (see quoted log file entries below) that someone is logging in as a valid user, then sending messages with OTHER mail addresses in the FROM section.

In the log entry below, this is just 1 of HUNDREDS of messages that are now flooding my mail server. There are no .ru domains on my server, so the FROM section is clearly being generated AFTER a successful SMTP login.

What I can't figure is how to determine the ID being used. Surely there is a way to increase the logging level of authlib so I can capture EVERY login (not just the failed ones)... if there is, I don't know how...



03-27 00:08:35 new msg 81400826
03-27 00:08:35 info msg 81400826: bytes 9543 from <cerenovzosim...@lenta.ru> qp 17999 uid 89 03-27 00:08:35 starting delivery 964666: msg 81400826 to remote s...@21dveri.ru 03-27 00:08:35 starting delivery 964667: msg 81400826 to remote i...@sms-yandex.ru 03-27 00:08:35 starting delivery 964668: msg 81400826 to remote kris...@werewolfsurvival.com 03-27 00:08:35 starting delivery 964669: msg 81400826 to remote i...@compulog.ru 03-27 00:08:35 starting delivery 964670: msg 81400826 to remote paramo...@npo-nauka.ru 03-27 00:08:38 delivery 964670: success: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<paramonov@ npo-nauka.ru>_193.35.98.6_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_2.0.0_OK_20/C4-28032-57EC3335/ 03-27 00:08:40 delivery 964669: success: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<info@compu log.ru>_78.24.218.162_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_OK_id=1WT4QZ-000N2d-7C/ 03-27 00:08:41 delivery 964666: success: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<sale@21dve ri.ru>_188.40.59.87_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_OK_id=1WT4Sg-00080u-R6/ 03-27 00:08:41 delivery 964668: success: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<kristal@we rewolfsurvival.com>_69.36.165.41_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_OK_id=1WT4Q2-0007ET-C2/ 03-27 00:08:50 delivery 964667: deferral: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<info@sms- yandex.ru>_62.213.111.109_failed_after_I_sent_the_message./Remote_host_said:_451_qq_trouble_in_home_directory_(#4.
03-27 00:15:15 starting delivery 965119: msg 81400826 to remote i...@sms-yandex.ru 03-27 00:15:25 delivery 965119: success: User_and_password_not_set,_continuing_without_authentication./<info@sms-y andex.ru>_62.213.111.109_accepted_message./Remote_host_said:_250_ok_1395904509_qp_10255/
03-27 00:15:25 end msg 81400826

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