On 04/08/2014 12:53 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 04/08/2014 12:27 PM, Peter Peterse wrote:
Eric Shubert schreef op 8-4-2014 21:01:
On 04/08/2014 09:16 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
This is making me crazy.
Please try version 182 from the qtp subversion repo.
I'm pretty sure I got it right this time.

Let me know how this works for you.
It worked for me (finally).


does the script cleanup you backup directory? In my case NOT. I'm
running a new test with the change:
rm -rf \
       $backupdest/$QMAILCONTROL \
       $backupdest/$SQMAILPREFS \
       $backupdest/$SQMAILPLUGS \
       $backupdest/$QMAILADMINPASSWD \
       $backupdest/$SPAMASSASSINFILES \
       $backupdest/$VPOPMAIL \
       $backupdest/$gzmysqldata \

Also in the summery I've changed:
tar -tzvf $backupdest/$curlfile >> /tmp/emailmsg.txt



Thanks Peter.

I see my problem now. I was thinking that the full path $backupdest was
already in the full file name. I've changed the scripts that way now,
version 183 in qtp svn repo.

My testing wasn't exactly thorough. It only worked for me because I was
in that directory already. (Doh!)

Should be good to go now.

P.S. I also modified backup to grab whole qmail/users directory, as it
wasn't grabbing the cdb file there. There are some other configuration
settings it should be getting as well. I know it needs to be updated for
spamdyke. Now that I'm thinking of it, I believe that tcp.smtp is
missing too.

Hold on. That fix won't work either, because the backup files will have the full path in them. svn version 184 should work.

-Eric 'shubes'

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