What's the best method nowadays to do a fresh install ?
the old install shell scripts or something is added now in qtp ?

Thx Eric for the great work,
I ve been running qmaitoaster servers for several years now
since the early days I d say :)


-----Original Message----- From: Eric Shubert
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 4:58 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: [qmailtoaster] QMT on COS6 Officially Released!

The packages for QMT have been promoted to the /current/ branch in the repo.

If you installed packages from the /testing/ branch, you do not need to
update from the /current/ branch. You may want to disable the /testing/
repo in the appropriate /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files if you enabled them.

Then again, you might want to keep them enabled. There are already a few
updates in /testing/ related to the upcoming changes for logging, which
are going to be significant. We will be implementing an ELK
(ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack for log analysis. This will
bring all of the logs under one umbrella and provide some very neat
analysis capabilities.

If you have any problems with anything, as always, bring them up here.
Making changes to packages is now highly automated, and I expect that
we'll be seeing much more frequent releases of packages as things are
changed and fixed.

Documentation is still a bit behind. If anyone would like to get some
experience with github's wiki, let me know and we can apply some
teamwork on getting that going. What we do with that presently has wide
open possibilities.

Thanks to all the testers and trail blazers who helped make this release
possible. You know who you are, and your help is greatly appreciated.

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