OK, so I have my own 2-cents worth and experience with systemd...

In a nutshell, I do NOT like it. I have found CentOS 7 to have stability issues that are TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE for a SERVER. (might be fine for a desktop, but NOT a server!)

And therein lies the rub -- systemd is designed from the get-go to improve the "Desktop Experience" for Linux. Start faster, provide feedback faster, do more crap automated, and automatically "filter" logs and messages. All GREAT things for the NOOB running Linux for the first time on a desktop so they can run some app...
But most of the RATIONALE for systemd is an anathema to running a server!

In my own world, I have a CentOS 7 system running next to a CentOS 6 system. The COS7 system routinely breaks its network configs requiring me to re-run the firewall startup (otherwise, my virtual machines networking breaks at LEAST once a week! On top of that, I usually leave a "console" (not :0) running with a firewalled (e.g.: limited access by IP address) VNC connection -- and this too BORKS at least once a week (when this fails, I have to ssh into the box, stop the vncserver, remove the .X11 folder in /tmp, and restart vnc. Not a HUGE chore, but given that I leave that very specific interface up so that I can access VMs VERY QUICKLY in an emergency, it sucks that often I have to do just that when something is going on -- and the delay is frustrating.

So what have I done about it?

Personally, I'm sticking with CentOS 6 for servers. Period. I've tried and tried with COS7, and it just isn't right for a server. I have to think there will wind up being some "splits" in some distributions -- separating out server & desktop versions.

Just my thoughts... me, the guy who had QMT running on COS6 for more than a YEAR before we (the QMT team) officially supported it... yeah, that guy... is DONE with COS7!

We'll have to wait and see what the next rollouts are like from the distros -- but for now, COS7 is NOT VIABLE as a server in my opinion.

Dan McAllister
QMT DNS & Mirror Admin (kinda toothless right now, as Eric Schubert has been totally MIA and silent for soooo long now!)

On 3/11/2016 1:16 AM, Tony White wrote:
  No problems as I will not use it.
It seems CentOS6 does not have systemd.
I dislike the idea of aggregating everything into
1 process.
We have a VM of CentOS6.7 now and are working
on migrating everything this weekend.
CentOS6 is supported until 2020 I believe so this might
see me out of computing and in my grave. If not then it
at least buys me time to learn a different os that does
not have Systemd.

best wishes
  Tony White

On 11/03/2016 16:41, Eric wrote:


Have you had any problems with systemd?


On 3/10/2016 8:36 PM, Tony White wrote:
  Just because "everyone is going that way" does not make it right.
I can quote "If it ain't broke don't fix it!".
There are many distros not migrating to systemd and those that are
seem to me to have a core user group that are spawning or forking a
separate distro that does not use systemd.



This may give you some insight. It is a good place to start making your
mind up on the pros and cons of systems.

I chose Debian (Devuan) as there is a site http://qmailrocks.thibs.com where there are instructions on Debian. Essentially this is an up to date version of
the old QmailRocks site that died a slow and painful death.

I am happy to converse with anyone but maybe we should do it off list as
it is potentially not constructive for QMTers.

I will have  a VM up and running over the weekend for testing.

NB I am not intending to start a big heated discussion I simply wanted to
know if anyone had already changed.

best wishes
  Tony White

On 11/03/2016 13:58, Helmut Fritz wrote:

Yeah - I too dislike the new system stuff. but everything is going that way it seems. You could Gentoo and build it how you like, but that is its own set of issues.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony White [mailto:t...@ycs.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:51 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Centos or Debian?

systemd, kthread and all the other rubbish you dont need on a server.
However just found out that Debian as systemd now as well.
So the point is moot.

best wishes
    Tony White

On 11/03/2016 13:14, Eric wrote:

Why are you sick of CentOS?

On 3/10/2016 6:57 PM, Tony White wrote:
Hi folks,
   I am sick of CentOS and was hoping someone had been using QMT on
   If anyone has done this I would love to hear your experiences.


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