On 10/29/2021 10:12 AM, wrote:


I've been dealing with this SPF related problem, for one of my user's, for about a month. I didn't really understand all the particulars about SPF going into this and I feel like now I do. SPF itself seems to be in a mid-state between abandoned and falling out of use. Most information you find on line hasn't been updated since before 2015 and you find many dead links and sites referenced that no longer work. Take a look at "" for example... which still serves up an SPF txt record of "*v=spf1 -all" but has no other information to be found.*

I would like to suggest that the qmailtoaster docs be changed to suggest relaxing the SPF restrictions by suggesting a domain SPF record ending in "~all" and an spfbehavior file of something less than 3 (the current default).

I have users who use forwarding services and the default settings caused significant headaches for them by causing delivery issues for (seemingly) random senders. Mail was getting through only from other domains with SPF records ending in "~all". It seems to me that if Google can end their SPF record with "~all" that it is probably a best practice today. On the receiving side, spfbehavior of 1 makes sure no emails are rejected. (This is of greatest importance with automated emails from banks, etc. where there is no "person" to see and react to a rejected email.)

Of course I understand that this defeats the purpose of SPF, but it seems SPF is dying and falling from use anyway and has become only one component of an anti-spam strategy.

At the very least, I hope this email can help others who run into this problem, and I want to thank others on this list who jumped in to help when I reached out.


October 26, 2021 8:29 PM, wrote:

    Setting the spfbehavior file to 1, did resolve the problem!

    I can see the SPF fail in the headers of messages that used to be
    I had tried to whitelist the IPs of the forwarding servers and
    expected that would have resolved the problem, but is the SPF
    rejection happening before the SpamAssassin whitelist? I still
    don't understand why some forwarded messages work and some don't.
    It seems like a bug somewhere.

    October 22, 2021 11:06 AM, wrote:

        I haven't heard results yet. The strange thing is my server
        wasn't rejecting everything from the forwarding service. I
        could send emails from google and yahoo accounts and they were
        delivered. The headers in those messages indicated SPF and
        dkim passed. I tried white listing the alumni mx servers in
        Spamassassin and that also didn't help (but I'm not sure where
        that falls in the processing order). This user's problems with
        the forwarding service seemed to start when I made some
        upgrades to my servers, but oddly, the problems weren't just
        with this email account. They were getting rejected emails
        from another account they have. We've tried to get support
        from the email forwarding company, but they have not been able
        to provide additional information and maintain that it's a
        problem with my server. I really didn't intend to have spf
        rejection happening, so it's best that's off now if it is
        going to interfere with this type of delivery.

        I also didn't intend to leave that email addresses in my
        original message. :-( Is there any way to get it edited out? I
        sent the messages from my phone and I guess I hadn't scrolled
        down all the way. Doh!

        Sent with a Spark <>
        On Oct 22, 2021, 4:58 AM -0700, Angus McIntyre
        <>, wrote:

            Hmm, re-reading this, I may have got mixed up and given
            you slightly
            unhelpful advice.

            I think the part about changing the value in
            '/var/qmail/control/spfbehavior' is still good.

            But because '' featured in your bounce message, I
            assumed that
            your user had a POBox address and that the message was
            being forwarded
            from a '' forwarding host.

            Re-reading the transcript, I think that might not be the
            case, and that
            you're actually getting mail forwarded from

            So what's happening is that a message from ''
            is being sent
            to '', 'blahblah' has their
            account there
            configured to forward to '', and so
            '' is trying to send the message on to

            qmail running on '' sees that
            doesn't have authorization to send on behalf of ''
            and rejects
            the message as an SPF Fail. '' then
            injects a
            failure message with that expired URL referencing POBox's
            "why did my message fail SPF?" explanatory page that no
            longer exists
            and bounces the message back to sender.

            Sorry for the confusion. Long story short, the issue is
            still the same:
            your server is set to reject on SPF Fail, and if you want
            to change that
            behavior, you can probably do so by editing
            '/var/qmail/control/spfbehavior'. But the forwarder
            involved is
            '' and _they_ are the ones generating
            an outdated
            and misleading error message.


   wrote on 10/21/21 9:52 PM:

                Thanks for looking at the problem and suggesting this.
                I'm starting to question my ability to read, because I
                swear I read that spfbehavior of 3 was soft-fail
                (kicks self)! I'm testing now to see if setting it to
                1 fixes it.


                October 21, 2021 2:55 PM, "Angus McIntyre"
                <> wrote:

                    At the risk of being That Guy who goes "it works
                    fine for me" ... it
                    works fine for me.

                    That is to say, I'm a POBox user and a
                    qmailtoaster user, and
                    is able to deliver to my QMT domain without
                    problems. So we know that it
                    _can_ work.

           shouldn't be -- AFAIK -- checking SPF at
                    this point. If I
                    understand correctly what is happening, mail is
                    coming in that with an
                    '' address in the 'From' line,
                    POBox is passing it
                    on to _your_ server, and it's at this point that
                    your server is checking
                    the 'From' line ('') and the
                    IP address it's getting
                    mail from (POBox's mailhost) and finding that the
                    POBox mailhost isn't a
                    permitted sender for ''.

                    So I think it's your host that's telling POBox
                    "You aren't authorized to
                    send mail for this address, so I'm rejecting it."

                    Have you checked '/var/qmail/control/spfbehavior'
                    on your server to see
                    what it's set to? If it's 3 or above, you'll get a
                    rejection on SPF
                    failures. You might want to drop it to 1 and
                    restart your server.

                    If that isn't the issue, I'm not quite sure what
                    to suggest. It doesn't
                    help that the 'why.html' page that POBox reference
                    isn't available. I
                    might open a ticket with them about that.


           wrote on 10/21/21 1:38 PM:

                        PS: In the error message, my server, the
                        receiving domain, is

                        Sent with a Spark
                        On Oct 21, 2021, 10:25 AM -0700,
              , wrote:


                        I have a user who uses a forwarding service.
                        Some of their emails appear to be failing.
                        I've tried everything I
                        can think to try, relaxing SPF, white listing
                        the forwarding server
                        IPs, etc.

                        Has anyone else run into this? It seems to me
                        that the issue is
                        between the sending server and the forwarding
                        service. The error
                        below is all I have to go on. I'm using
                        Qmail-1.03-3.3.1 with
                        Spamassassin spamdyke etc.

                        ----- The following addresses had permanent
                        fatal errors -----
                        (reason: 550
                        ----- Transcript of session follows -----
                        ... while talking to
                        550 5.1.1
                        ... User unknown
                        503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)

                        Has anyone run into this before who could pass
                        along a clue?


                        Sent with a Spark

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