
As a new user to qooxdoo, perhaps my perspective could be useful. 
Ignore if not.

On 9/13/10 11:16 AM, Jean-Baptiste BRIAUD -- Novlog wrote:
> On 13 sept. 2010, at 18:07, thron7 wrote:
>> On 09/13/2010 05:43 PM, Jean-Baptiste BRIAUD -- Novlog wrote:
>>> Thomas,
>>> You got wrong feeling.
>> Then what is it actually that you want? I understand you want a greater
>> recognition of qooxdoo in the French IT market. But how do you want that
>> to happen?
> Thomas,
> we already discussed that soooo many time : make qooxdoo simpler to use for 
> new people :
> * python build optional rather than mandatory like now
I chose qooxdoo because of this!  The ability to get a fully compiled
(and super-fast) version without any extra work beyond a 1-liner
command-line thing is a huge plus.  The ability to detect missing
dependencies is another big thing for me.
> * qooxdoo in one big js file to download
this would not appeal to me whatsoever.  However, having the entire app
in a single .js file is *very* appealing (again going back to the build
> * better default theme
I do think qooxdoo would benefit from having a few more themes. 
Hopefully the dark theme will be good enough to promote from contrib to
core theme? :)  Ultimately, this isn't a showstopper for me.  (By the
way, I'm dying for a qxet theme release compatible with 1.2 *poke*
*poke*) :)

A bigger turn-off for me is the visual look of qooxdoo.org.  Compare to
the more popular frameworks' websites, and you'll see what I mean.  The
front door needs to prettier or most people will assume that the
framework sucks and move on to the next one.  For me, this was not a
showstopper, but I found qooxdoo because of a wikipedia article
comparing frameworks benchmarked it (0.8 version) as quite fast relative
to the others, and I was surprised considering I had never even heard of
it before.  Might be good to poke the author of that article to re-run
benches with 1.2.  I found the article by googling "javascript framework."


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