So, what's the story with the qpopper-announce list?  The last message I got
on it was "Qpopper LX 4.0b16 available", from February 15.  I see that
qpopper 4.0 is out now.  Was this not announced, or did I just not get the
mail for some reason?

It's not that I was silently unsubcribed or something, as I just
successfully unsubscribed from qpopper-announce using this email address and
re-subscribed with a different address.

It is *feasible* I got the message and it was lost, however, due to the
problem I'm about to describe in my next mail.

Before I leave the topic of qpopper-announce, though, why is it still not
mentioned in <>?  I believe I
brought this up some time in 1999 or 2000, and the reply was that it was a
known issue and should be fixed soon.  How difficult is it to change the
faq.html file?  

You shouldn't be coy about the existence of the -announce list for a
security-critical daemon like qpopper.  Not everyone can afford the time to
keep up with the primary mailing list for a given piece of software, but no
administrator can afford *not* to subscribe to the -announce list, assuming
they know about it.

Dan Harkless
SpeedGate Communications, Inc.

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