At 09:48 18/11/01 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks for your response, Peter.

No problem.  My thoughts are at the bottom of your (edited) e-mail.

>snip -->   I read my own messages with mutt from 
>/var/spool/mail/hoffy.  So, my current mail spool is in the path 
>When I installed Qpopper /var/spool/mail/pop and /var/spool/mail/popbull
>were created.  During a session with Qpopper it creates a temp file called 
>.hoffy.pop in the /pop directory.
> > or looking in the wrong place.
>This I have a feeling is happening.  I copy my mailbox file (/var/spool/
>mail/hoffy) into /var/spool/pop expecting Qpopper to see it but it still
>tells me zero messages.
>I created a config file and tried adding a "-f /path/to/config/file" to the
>end of the line.  In the config file I put:
>"set spool-dir=/var/spool/mail"
>I am not getting any errors but Qpopper is still creating that temp file
>.hoffy.pop in the /var/spool/pop directory

In summary the rest of your setup is putting mail into /var/spool/mail/ but 
qpopper is checking from the /var/spool/mail/pop/ directory.  Using set 
spool-dir=/var/spool/mail does not override this (though it should - did 
you ps ax | grep inetd and then kill -HUP <pid> the process identity shown ?)

If restarting inetd does not work can you either a) re-compile qpopper to 
deliver to /var/spool/mail or b) change Procmail etc to deliver to 
/var/spool/mail/pop ?

Unfortunately I cannot be specific on a) as we deliver to users' home 
directories as we run qmail.  However either a) or b) should get you up and 

(Incidentally copying your mailbox to /var/spool/mail/pop should also have 
worked.  Out of interest doing cp -a or checking permissions carefully 
would probably solve this [academic] point.)

Good luck !!


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