On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 02:28:19PM +0100, Sean Kelly wrote:
> Hi there,
>       After failing to find anything about this subject in the list
>       archives for the past few months I thought I would ask the
>       list.
>       One of my POP servers has e-mail for various users delivered to
> and collected from /var/spool/mail/whoever.  I have a need to
> implement maximum mailbox size restrictions on the various mailboxes. 
> First I looked at my mail server, but that's just the transfer agent
> and as such I don't think it should deal with quotas.

  When I was reviewing it a month or two ago, I found a surprising
scarcity of web information on setting up mail quotas; you'd think
everyone would want to do it, but there's not much information out
there, at least not that I could find in Google.  I wanted to do it via
file-system (kernel-level) quotas, but had to make sure that all
components of the mail system would handle it well.
  There actually is one important Qpopper related fact for implementing
mail quotas:

  If you implement quotas at the file system level, you want to
configure Qpopper so the temporary pop-drop files are on a different
partition from your mail spools, without user quotas.  Otherwise, once
a user hits their quota, they will be unable to pop their mail to
reduce their mailbox below quota.

  That aside, quota enforcement is the work of the local mail delivery
agent; that may be either your MTA, or delegated by the MTA to some
other program.  We use procmail for local mail delivery, and our
testing showed that it was very quota-aware, and able to communicate
over-quota conditions back to the MTA which invoked it.  After a little
tweaking on how our MTA reported these erorrs, I enabled and set user
quotas on our mail spool partition two weeks ago, and have not had any
problems with it so far.  If users are near quota, any new mail coming
in which would put them over-quota gets bounced back to the sender
instead of being delivered.

  -- Clifton

 Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   WWJD?   "JWRTFM!" - Scott Dorsey (kludge)   "JWG" - Eddie Aikau

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