On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:24:09 -0400, Stephen Bopple wrote:

>I got qpopper working on the RH7.1 box
>I wasn't aware until I ran 'ipchains -L' that someone had setup a 
>firewalling script on the webhosting box.

Yep, Red Hat started providing a default firewall rule set with 7.x, to
protect newbies from just connecting a wide-open, very powerful box to
the Internet. Before that, it was too easy to shoot yourself and all
your neighbors in the foot. (Script kiddies LOVE to get control of
Linux zombies because they're such powerful systems to launch attacks
from. They'll share their Windoze zombies but they jealously guard
their Linux "acquisitions".)

I'd recommend installing the Logwatch package or some similar
log-monitoring system, so you'll get frequent reports of what's probing
your firewall. Logwatch is a package of Perl scripts that runs from a
nightly cron job, filters your logs of routine uninteresting stuff,
agregates what's left, and mails it to an admin for analysis. I think
you'll find it on the Red Hat PowerTools CD.

[If answering a mailing list posting, please don't cc me your reply. I'll take my 
answer on the list.]

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