qpopper, Lenoard,
  Yes, I forgot to mention it.  Our system is AIX 4.3.3 running on
Risc/6000.  We compiled qpopper with the following options:

The config file contains:
set tls-support=stls
set tls-server-cert-file=/etc/mail/certs/cert.pem

>Hi Tim,
>You might follow-up to the list with the OS of your server and 
>configuration qpopper, unless I missed it reading your message.
>-- Leonard
>At 09:45 AM 2/6/2002, you wrote:
>>Qpopper experts,
>>     We recently installed qpopper 4.03 back in December.  Since then we have
>>had 4 occurrances where their mailbox in /var/spool/mail became corrupt for
>>some reason.  We have configured qpopper to write the temporary pop file to
>>a different directory structure (/var/spool/pop).  Given that we have 1500
>>active users, it seems to be working for the most part.  But occassionally
>>some users with a quite a few megabytes of email will find that when they
>>have their client configured to leave on server, their temporary pop file
>>can't get written back to the mailbox file properly.  This has only happened
>>4 times now, but it is raising a red flag for me.  Something is corrupting
>>the mailbox file because if I 'vi' into the mailbox and resave (w!) the
>>file, the file becomes approximately 1/10 of its original size.  Its as
>>though the file thinks its much larger than it really is.  This is an
>>obvious corruption, but I don't know why.  It also appears to be a small
>>subset of the temp pop file which remains in the /var/spool/pop directory.
>>   What might cause the mailbox file to become corrupted when the temp pop
>>file tries to write itself back to the mailbox file?  Is there a compile
>>option that I might consider to minimize corruption?
>>   Note: we do use a quota, but not all incidences exceeded the quota.  Also,
>>we never had this problem with the old qpopper 2.0.
>>Tim Tyler
>>Network Manager - Beloit College

Tim Tyler
Network Manager - Beloit College
Go Packers! Go Badgers!
1999&2000 Rose Bowl Champions!

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