>          I had tried manually moving the email to /var/mail/s/h but when I 
> did I was in "root" mode and therefore root owned the file.  Therefore, 
> qpopper didn't "see" the file containing my email.  After changing the 
> permission everything worked fine.
>          Anyone know off hand how to get sendmail 8.12.6 to use a hash 
> directory structure when delivering mail so that qpopper will find it where 
> it expects it to be?  Or is it recommended just to not use the 
> --enable-hash-spool=2 parameter?

Sendmail doesn't deliver mail.  It hands off local mail to a mailer
(e.g. "/bin/mail", "/usr/local/bin/procmail", or somesuch) for local
spool delivery.  Look for "Mlocal" in your "sendmail.cf" configuration
file to see how yours is set up.

And you should be running Sendmail 8.12.8, not 8.12.6, to get the
security fix for the hole that's out there in the wild now ...

        - Greg

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