On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Tim Meader wrote:

> Regardless, I have tweaked and tweaked as much as possible, and am making a 
> final change tonight. In particular I would like anyones' feedback on what 
> kind of performance increase switching to hashed directories might achieve. 

i couldn't give you numbers, but i'd say it'd be noticeable. assuming 
you're using UFS, which searches directories linearly.

might try mounting partitions with the noatime option too? i don't 
remember if qpopper cares about the last accessed time of files. could 
save yourself a I/O write there.

might try using maildir, which doesn't use .pop files at all, and doesn't 
write status headers, which helps I/O but will increase CPU usage a bit 
(having to generate the UIDL from the each filename) (tradeoff).

Anthony J. Biacco                            Network Administrator/Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.asteroid-b612.org

            "This will prove a brave kingdom to me, 
                  where I shall have my music for nothing"

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