> ... in upgrading from 2.53 version of popper to 4.04 ...
> ... the user ended up with thousands of old emails on his pc,
>and he already had those emails on his pc, so now he had 2 copies of each of
>those old emails.  ...

I'm not sure what you mean by "uploading", but we saw a similar situation
when we upgraded from an old old version of pop3d to qpopper4, at least for
some email clients.  I believe it was because our old pop3 server did not
support UIDL and the new one did.

Users who were leaving all their mail on the server (mostly Apple Mail
users because the first release of Mail did this by default) suddenly saw
them all get downloaded again.

In a way this was a good thing, you just can't have people leaving years of
mail on a POP3 server.  Especially if the server must parse the entire
mailspool file each time the user checks for new mail.  IMHO these people
should archive their old mail using their mail client and then store the
archive file on a file server.

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