I've run into a strange situation in upgrading from 2.53 version of popper
to 4.04 .  We're running Solaris machines (2.7, 2.8, 2.9) and many of our users
keep their emails on the UNIX servers.  Then they periodically use Eudora
to upload their emails, and usually only receive the emails that are new
for them.  But when I tried a test of 4.04 version of popper, I found that
ALL emails were uploaded for any given user, even if the emails were not new.
Thus, in one case, the user ended up with thousands of old emails on his pc,
and he already had those emails on his pc, so now he had 2 copies of each of
those old emails.  I need to solve this problem before I release this new
version of popper.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?  Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,

Norm Gelbart

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