On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 01:39:03PM +0100, Zazell Kroeske wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to this list, but I have quite an urgent matter which I need to
> solve. 
> If one of the users on my mail server tries to fetch its mail, I see the
> follow error show up in the maillog:
> Dec 14 13:08:34 cobalt4i in.qpopper[7293]: rzoeteman at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx): -ERR Error updating primary drop. Mail left in
> temporary maildrop (28)
> The server is an old cobalt RAQ server (4i) running qpopper 3.0. 
> This user is unable to fetch all of the emails that are waiting for him.
> Can anyone tell what this error means, since even Google hasn't got any
> useful results.

I found lots of Google hits for "Error updating primary drop", but they
were not all useful.

Check whether there would be a problem copying the user's mailbox to a
temporary file and back on the same file system.  Either a disk space
problem or some other problem [bad blocks?].

This is just a guess.

Joe Yao
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