> > pperl is pre-forking. 
> Yes, but SelectServer isn't.

SelectServer doesn't fork at all.

> > It doesn't fork on every connection.  The forking on every connection is
> > part of what causes some of the overhead.
> Do you have evidence that that is the case? Fork should be inexpensive, 
> and it's certainly not a problem with tcpserver.

tcpserver is designed to fork and exec lightweight C programs.

forking larger programs (i.e. perl) can be an issue.  And there is
definitely overhead to forking.

> > But in general, I think this is a good idea, at least to see how it
> > works :)
> I'll let you know if I get something working. Please be sure to let me 
> know if you beat me to it :-)

It won't happen this month.  You don't have to worry.

> > Net::Daemon can do preforking too.
> It can, but is latency critical enough for it to be an issue?



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