Qpsmtpd doesn't pay any attention to smtproutes (unless you build it in for checking stuff). qmail-remote checks that file after the email has been queued and is ready for remote mailbox delivery.

From the qmail-remote man page (netqmail-1.05):


Artificial  SMTP  routes.   Each  route has the form domain:relay,
without any extra spaces.  If domain  matches  host,  qmail-remote
will  connect  to relay, as if host had relay as its only MX.  (It
will also avoid doing any  CNAME  lookups  on  recip.)   host  may
include  a  colon  and  a port number to use instead of the normal
SMTP port, 25:


relay may be empty; this tells qmail-remote to look up MX  records
as  usual.   port  value of 465 (deprecated smtps port) causes TLS
session to be started.  smtproutes may include wildcards:


Here any address ending with .af.mil (but not  af.mil  itself)  is
routed by its MX records; any other address is artificially routed
to heaven.af.mil.

The qmail system does not protect you if you create an  artificial
mail  loop  between  machines.  However, you are always safe using
smtproutes if you do not accept mail from the network.

-- Bryan

Roger wrote:

I recently installed qpsmtpd and sorta got it to run. The problem is qpsmtpd would not recognise my smtproutes setup - which forwards all mail to localhost:10024 for more spam filtering. I'm running a dual qmail setup and the qmail instance I was trying to replace was installed in


I changed my run file to reflect this..

QMAILDUID=`id -u smtpd`
NOFILESGID=`id -g smtpd`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 15000000 \
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 10 -v -R -p \
 -u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID `head -1 config/IP` smtp \
 ./qpsmtpd 2>&1

Once linked in /service the daemon would start but either, not recognise my smtproutes statement or just kinda hang their...

I've installed qpsmtp in


as the user smtpd and


is owned by root BUT all users can read files in the control dir.


Also has anyone gotten this to work w/ smtp-auth and vpopmail???

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