On 17 Jun 2004, at 01:13, John Peacock wrote:

Ask bjørn hansen wrote:
On Jun 16, 2004, at 4:28 PM, Robert Spier wrote:

Here is a complete implementation of SMTP AUTH

Could you s/\t/ /g; and resend? Tabs don't work well in open environments.

Eww. 4 spaces per tab please!
Whatever makes it align properly.
There shouldn't be any tabs, and if there are any they should be 8.

I don't want to get into this argument. My personal copy of vi is set to produce Perl source formatting (indents of 4, tabs of 8). And in fact at least lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm contains tabs that *I* didn't create. However, the attached eliminates all tabs in any existing file I was patching and I ran all new files I created through perltidy with the defaults, just for the fun of it.

Committed to CVS with a minor modification:

- instead of requiring Qpsmtpd::Auth I just "use" it - this makes us use more shared memory in qpsmtpd-forkserver
- I changed the messing with the symbol table to just put the "auth" method right in there - I think this should still work the same.

Thanks John,


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