On 2006-09-15 14:32:59 -0600, Brad Zobrist wrote:
> On 9/15/06, John Peacock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Brad Zobrist wrote:
> >> I am using forkserver, the server is not thrashing (it's a 15k scsi box
> >> and has avg TPS of ~250),
> >
> >I was speaking of resource starvation due to not enough RAM or too many
> >processes, not disk-thrashing.  What does `top` report for the load?
> I have 4GB ram, 8GB swap installed. I've maxed out at 3.8GB ram used and
> 2.5GB swap. I've seen my load go up to ~5.

It is always difficult to give performance advice at a distance, but
that doesn't sound good to me: forkserver processes are short-lived: If
you have 2.5 GB of them swapped out, there is almost certainly a lot of
paging going on (OTOH, I'd expect the load to be much higher in this
scenario: Most Unixes include processes in disk wait in the load, so with
a few hundred processes competing for RAM I'd expect a load of > 100).

If I'm correct you will actually get better throughput by reducing
MAXCONN to the number of fork-servers which will fit into RAM.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Schlagfertigkeit ist das, was einem
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | auf dem Nachhauseweg einfällt.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |    -- Lars 'Cebewee' Noschinski in dasr.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |

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