Just as a full test I ran swaks against it and here are the results:

=== Trying x.x.x.x:25...
=== Connected to x.x.x.x.
<-  220 tmx1.testnet.com ESMTP qpsmtpd 0.32 ready; send us your mail,
but not your spam.
 -> EHLO tested
<-  250-tmx1.testnet.com Hi [x.x.x.x] [x.x.x.x] <-
<-  250-8BITMIME
<-  250 STARTTLS
<-  220 Go ahead with TLS
*** TLS startup failed (error:140770FC:SSL
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol)
 -> QUIT
<**  Negotiation Failed
<** 500 Unrecognized command
=== Connection closed with remote host.

Also, I upgraded the plugin to the newest one in SVN, enabled full
debugging, set the tls_ciphers to: HIGH:RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5, and here is the
output in the apache error logs:

SSL accept attempt failederror:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
 at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls line 158
TLS failed: Could not create SSL socket:  at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls 
line 158.

And here is the qpsmtpd logs:
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Connection from [x.x.x.x][x.x.x.x] 
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Plugins already loaded
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Loaded logging/syslog loglevel
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: loading plugins from
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: ciphers:
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1
qpsmtpd[4684]: loadcheck 
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: check_earlytalker 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: remote host said nothing spontaneous,
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: check_spamhelo 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command 'starttls' 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: logging::denylog 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command '\200|^A^C^A 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command '^G 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls

Hope this helps some.


On Fri, 06 Oct 2006 17:16:58 -0700, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:

> On Oct 6, 2006, at 15:39, Ed McLain wrote:
>>> What client are you trying to use?
>> Straight telnet
> How do you speak SSL then?  :-)  That's a little like programming  
> with "cat > /dev/sda1".
>    - ask

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