On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Chris Garrigues wrote:

okay...you've demonstrated that the other more sensible way works fine...so why
does the default distribution do it the way it does?

Isn't it mostly a matter of poor naming ? Those plugins were some of the first ones when we weren't so wise, yet.

Renaming them is tricky because we'll break a bunch of old configuration files.

Some of this will be easier to fix if if let plugins register to be run "first" and "last".

Is there a roadmap which states when along the way the distribution will include fixes like this one and some documentation on the use of notes for whitelists and other stuff like

The plan is, eventually, to have proper APIs and plugin hooks for some of the things notes are used for now (whitelists, user information, ....).

And yes, definitely before "1.0".

  - ask

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