On Wed, 20 May 2009, J wrote:

I compared the run file with other run files (i.e. djbdns and qmail) and I
think the problem is with the trailing ' \' on the 2nd line (the first

Indeed. That shouldn't be there.

When I remove that (and installed a missing Math::BigInt package from
CPAN), everything loads, but complains about an insecure dependency on
line 416 in setpriority (in qpsmtpd-prefork). (And the prefork processes
keep showing up in the process table, and dying.) I expect that this was
tested before being released, so there is probably still something wrong
with my setup :-(

I think the -T shouldn't be there on the command line. Though it is probably a bug, I'm guessing we don't test with "taint" on.


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