Aleksandar Lazic wrote:

push (@{$related->{$uniq_key}->{'TO'}},$1.'@'.$2);

Of course if there  is a better way for the correleation I'am open for
suggestion ;-)

The thing is that unless you have only one long-running qpsmtpd process, you can't "see" the records from other instances.

Especially, say, with qpsmtpd-async with more than one child. In that environment, you could have several thousand simultaneously open sessions spread amongst dozens of separate qpsmtpd processes. They can't see the other processes' memory spaces.

You'd have to push/pull the data to a centralized process. Eg: separate daemon.

Ick. Mostly ;-)

Having a plugin fire a UDP packet to a daemon which collects, analyses them, and stuffs 'em where qpsmtpd can get data back from (eg: a file) would work.

My target is to have a 'hash' with:


Maybe I will need a 'collector' plugin which writes all data at the end
of the session.

Maybe I should clone the logging/syslog?

I'am not sure, due the fact that I haven't use sendmail for long time,
but sendmail had al this information in one line I think ;-)

In modern sendmail you need to grab three records to get a full record of an email. Sendmail logs are a PITA.

But with a hacked log_terse plugin in qpsmtpd you will get one easy-to-parse record with everything you want. My qpsmtpd implementation only emits a single line to the logs per email (plus occasional processing errors).

This is what mine collects (this is the PostgreSQL table definition) - it's spat out in the logs with tab separation:

[tabs, newlines, and other non-printables within fields are translated to hex escapes before log_terse prints 'em]

    logtime     TIMESTAMP,
    server      TEXT,
    sessionid   TEXT,
    trantype    TEXT,
    remote_ip   ip4,
    remote_host TEXT,
    hello_host  TEXT,
    mailfrom    TEXT,
    subject     TEXT,
    disposal    TEXT,
    reason      TEXT,
    rcpttocount INTEGER,
    rcpttolist  TEXT,
    partition   INTEGER,
    size        INTEGER,
    transfer    TEXT,
    tls         TEXT,
    asn         TEXT,
    asninfo     TEXT

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