> clamd runs with his own uid from clamd.conf, and also w/o keeping
> supplementary groups info by default. Add clamav user to qpsmptd running
> user and allow supplementary groups in /etc/groups anche check config:
> clamd.conf:
> User clamav
> AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
> Also check perms on spool dir (spool_dir + spool_perms in config dir +
> chmod if the dir already exists)

I think the root of the problem is that I compiled clam myself (with
default locations) but loaded the ClamAV::Client from (Ubuntu)
apt-get. The config.pm is looking in the wrong places for the
clamd.conf file (at least). I need to re-check my work and can
hopefully get it working now. Thanks very much for pointing me in the
right direction :-)

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