On Tuesday 06 October 2009 02:20:21 ext David Ching wrote:
> Qt Creator 1.2.90 on Windows
> Building project using Qt 4.5.3
> The Projects window shows that even though the Debug configuration is 
> active, the folder path of the exe that will be debugged is the release\. 
> Therefore, trying to debug launched the Release version which has no debug 
> info.
> This was fixed in the .pro file for the exe:  I used to have:
>      CONFIG(Debug, Debug|Release) {
>          message(Building MyExe Debug!)
>          ...
>      }
> By changing to all lowercase:
>      CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
>          message(Building MyExe Debug!)
>          ...
>      }
> It fixes the issue.
> This is the second problem I've had with Qt's build tools having an issue 
> with case sensitivity.  The other was in the Visual Studio add-on, where it 
> rebuilt everything constantly if the folder was named "Release" (with a 
> capital 'R') instead of "release".  This was subsequently fixed, but it 
> seems case sensitivity is an underlying issue.

I fail to see the "underlying issue". The qmake "language" is case sensitive
like C, C++, Java, and lots of others.

The fact that on case insensitive file systems file names embedded in a
.pro file are not case sensitive has nothing to do with the language.
This is pretty much the same as using a file name within C++ source code.

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