Hi Coda,

My main problem seems to be, when building stuff ( PyQt, qtcreator) against my local build of Qt4.6, the include paths, and some other things, refer to where I originally built Qt. I'm new to Qt but I build lots other of stuff regularly. I don't think I'm crossing wires with stuff from Ubuntu's packages.

Some background: I'm trying to build Qt as a package that I can pass around to my team mates. This entails packaging up my Qt build and using it on different machines. Its when building against my local Qt package that I'm running into problems.

So, now I'm trying to build qtcreator. I use the qmake that is installed in QTDIR/bin/qmake.

The first thing that failed in the qtcreator build was an attempt to "cd QTDIR/src/tools/moc". That dir doesn't get built/installed by Qt. It's part of the original sources though. If I manually copy that dir from the original sources, then it fails trying to do stuff with "QTDIR/src/tool/bootstrap" which, again, only exists in the original Qt sources. If I "fix" that (by copying it to my QTDIR) then it fails trying to include "private/qmetaobject_p.h" which, yet again, only exists in the qt source package.

This pattern of failure led me to suspect that qtcreator needs the full qt sources available, and not just what was build and installed for Qt, hence my posting to the list.

You follow all that? ;) Any ideas/suggestions?



Coda Highland wrote:
Ubuntu's configuration of many libraries, including Qt, does make it
difficult to compile some projects (for instance, my own library, Qxt)
without modifying the build scripts. What problems are you having?

/s/ Adam

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Josh <jk...@irobot.com> wrote:
Itamar Reis Peixoto wrote:

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Josh <jk...@irobot.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to build qt-creator 1.3.0 from source (on linux). I have
built and installed Qt 4.6. I set the QTDIR env var to point to my Qt
install location and am using its qmake.

It seems to be trying to include\build things that do not exist in my
QTDIR (ie. as part of the Qt install).

So, my question is, do I need to build qt-creator with the full sources
for Qt? Or can I build and install Qt, then build against that install?
The latter is not working for me but I might be missing something.

Thanks for any assistance!


what are your linux distro ?

Ubuntu 9.04. However, note that I am not trying to build against anything
that is Ubuntu specific.

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