Hi Josh,

Try taking out all those environment variables, QTDIR, QMAKESPEC, eg remove 
them from your bashrc and login again.

http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/install-x11.html - use something more sensible 
than /tmp if you like.   (Compare with old-school 2.x and 3.x Qt where QTDIR 
etc was used).   This will put an install of qt in /usr/local/Trolltech/<ver> 
or something similar

As a previous poster said qt encodes details of where it was built into the 
binaries.  You should not need QTDIR etc.  Specifically it uses rpath which is 
supported by gcc on current linux distros, as well as using paths stored in 
QtCore*.so (which you can retrieve via QLibraryInfo::location()) and qmake - 
try "strings path/to/bin/qmake | grep qt_" to see what I mean.

You can use -prefix on the configure line for qt to install it somewhere else.  
If you try to *mv* it somewhere else it won't work.

If you're working with multiple qt installs, or even if you have linux with qt 
installs from the distro don't rely on setting PATH - have a policy of always 
specifying the full path to qmake.  qmake will create makefiles that use the 
correct moc and so on.

/usr/local/Trolltech/*/bin/qmake qtcreator.pro && make

If you want to make a qt version for your colleagues something like -prefix 
/opt/Qt/4.6, and then make sure when they install it that it goes into the same 
path - eg tar it up from / and then instruct them to untar it from /

If you still have problems check that your untar'ed source tree is not sitting 
inside another source tree, or any other degenerate layout.  If you're working 
with multiple source trees, keep them all the same level.  Linux distro 
versions of qt and stuff in ~/.qt or ~/.config should not cause any problems if 
you avoid using QTDIR and specify the full path to qmake.

On 22/12/2009, at 2:47 AM, ext Josh wrote:

Eike Ziller wrote:

Josh wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to build qt-creator 1.3.0 from source (on linux). I have
built and installed Qt 4.6. I set the QTDIR env var to point to my Qt
install location and am using its qmake.

It seems to be trying to include\build things that do not exist in my
QTDIR (ie. as part of the Qt install).

Qt Creator should build fine with the things in an installed Qt. What is it 
trying to use that doesn't exist?

++ Eike

It gets to a point where it build moc from the original qt source dir (which no 
longer exists) and decides to start using the path to qmake from my original Qt 
build directory:
Snipped (and annotated by me) from my qtcreator build output:

(cd /sandbox/qt-creator/targetfs-root/targetfs-base/src/tools/moc && make)
make[5]: Entering directory `/sandbox/qt4.6/src/tools/moc'          # <---- 
wrong! src/tools/moc wasn't in my Qt install, just the original Qt sources. I 
manually copied src/tools/moc to the install location. Why does it start 
looking here?

/sandbox/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0/bin/qmake -spec 
../../../mkspecs/linux-g++ -unix -o Makefile moc.pro   # <---- wrong! This 
qmake path refers to the original Qt source dir. I did use the correct qmake 
(ie. the one that was installed in /sandbox/qt4.6/bin/qmake)

make[5]: /sandbox/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0/bin/qmake: Command not 
found # <---- error doe to previous incorrect qmake path being referenced.

Note that I have set QTDIR, QMAKESPEC in the build environment. I'm also 
specifying the Qt prefix in qt.conf and setting the correct paths for QMAKE, 

Anyways, I'm reviewing my Qt install (again) to be sure I did things correctly.

Thanks for any suggestions.



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