Thanks Victor,

On 11/05/2010 12:21 م, Victor Sardina wrote:
> Bashir:
> Among the free alternatives out there you can take a look at Eric4
> Python IDE if you plan on using Python and the PyQt wrappers at the URL
> below:
I'll test it now, any way I've read some articles about it most of them 
said that its code completion is so bad even by comparing with eclipse 

> For wxWidgets development (although I doubt you plan on using the
> wxWidgets toolkit) I only know of BoaConstructor, which uses the
> corresponding wxPython wrappers, located here:
Oh no, I escaped from wxWidget since 5 years ago and I'll never back 
again >:o Qt+Qt Creator are most precious developing tools (for me at 
least) :-D

> Other commercial IDEs have very nice features, such as the Komodo IDE,
> but it doesn't really support GUI development. Komodo IDE supports
> almost all the major scripting languages, and have very nice features
> for team development as well. They used to have a GUI builder, but do
> not support it any longer. You can get more information at this URL:
> Good luck in your endeavours,
> Victor
> On 5/10/10 11:39 PM, M. Bashir Al-Noimi wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Recently I forced to do some web interfaces for one of my projects so I
>> decided to learn Python because -as I read- it's easy language to learn
>> which supports web applications (in addition to GUI/Qt application) so I
>> need to know the following:
>>    1. Does Qt Creator supports Python (I'm sure 99.999% it's not because
>>       I'm using it since earlier versions)?
>>    2. Are there any plans for supporting Python in future?
>>    3. What's most alternative IDE to Qt Creator for Python?

Best Regards
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
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