The behavior you describe from Creator is the standard behavior used
by gdb, and it's consistent with Eclipse, Xcode, and Visual Studio
(even though VS doesn't use gdb); it's pretty typical for a debugger.

/s/ Adam

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Aekold Helbrass <> wrote:
> I am using NetBeans (Java) for my everyday work, so I'll describe it as 
> example:
> Let's assume our line of code looks like this:
> painter.drawText(getX(), getY(), getString());
> When you're pressing "step into" in NetBeans it highlights all step
> into possibities, four of them in example above, and highlights one of
> them as default one, so you can press step into once again to go into
> default one or you can click with your mouse on any other to step into
> it. Then, when you're stepped all your way up to the end of getX() for
> example you're returned to the same line, with one function marked as
> visited, and you can step into another one.
> In QtCreator it steps in the first one to execute (getX() in our
> case), and when you're stepping over the internals of function up to
> the end - Qt Creator will not show you the original line again with
> possibility to step into next function but will act as step over it.
> So it took me some time to understand that I should press "step into"
> on the last lines of getX() to step into getY(), but I can't just skip
> them and step directly into drawText().
> On 5/21/10, Andre Poenitz <> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 08:06:25PM +0300, Aekold Helbrass wrote:
>>> Andre' thanx for your fast response.
>>> It was totally my own fault, it's just Qt Creator debugging behaviour
>>> differs from NetBeans or Eclipse in a bit less intuitive way.
>> In which way is it less intuitive?
>> Andre'
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