On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Andre Poenitz
<andre.poen...@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:05:11PM +0300, Aekold Helbrass wrote:
>> I am using NetBeans (Java) for my everyday work, so I'll describe it
>> as example:
>> Let's assume our line of code looks like this:
>> painter.drawText(getX(), getY(), getString());
>> When you're pressing "step into" in NetBeans it highlights all step
>> into possibities, four of them in example above, and highlights one of
>> them as default one, so you can press step into once again to go into
>> default one or you can click with your mouse on any other to step into
>> it. Then, when you're stepped all your way up to the end of getX() for
>> example you're returned to the same line, with one function marked as
>> visited, and you can step into another one.
> But that's debugging Java, not C++?
> For a fair comparison you would have to compare NetBeans for C++ with Qt
> Creator, and given that it uses gdb as backend I strongly doubt the
> functionality you describe exists there.
> We are more or less restricted to what the debugging backend (gdb in
> this case) provides, and gdb does not have such 'list all function calls
> in this line' kind of capability.
> When I think about it. We could try to use information from the code
> model and temporary breakpoints to simulate this. I guess we will run
> into "interesting" behaviour for inlined code, though. Maybe it's still
> worth a shot.

Of course, I am not telling that Qt Creator is bad or something, I am
just new to C++, started learning it as a hobby after feeling the
power of Qt with Qt Jambi. And after I tried all easily available C++
IDEs (about 15 of them) I found Qt Creator absolute winner. I just
didn't got used to it's behaviour yet.

About java-style debugging behaviour - may be it will be better to
create an issue in gdb project?

>> In QtCreator it steps in the first one to execute (getX() in our
>> case), and when you're stepping over the internals of function up to
>> the end - Qt Creator will not show you the original line again with
>> possibility to step into next function but will act as step over it.
> I know this is unfortunate, but again, there's no way to know in advance
> whether a 'step over' will leave the current function or not, so there
> is not much choice except to provide a separate command to specifically
> step out of a function (Shift-F11).
>> So it took me some time to understand that I should press "step into"
> [Rather "step out"...]
>> on the last lines of getX() to step into getY(), but I can't just skip
>> them and step directly into drawText().
> Yes, it would be seven keystrokes in this case.
> Andre'
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