> I have a variable 'LIBRARYPATH'
> which is used in the following way
> LIBRARYPATH = E:/Daten/Dev/SVN/library/
> INCLUDEPATH += $${LIBRARYPATH}include/Micos/
> however this path is different on every computer. If I add
> "LIBRARYPATH = E:/Daten/Dev/SVN/library/" to the qmake command line
> options the part is not added to the INCLUDEPATH anymore and thus all
> include files
> within that path are not found. (Marked green in the editor)
Right, we don't pass on the qmake command line to our parser. (Except for 
CONFIG+=debug / release / debug_and_release.) That's a bug, which wasn't 
fixable before 2.0. I think we can fix that now.
> So how can I add a Path to qmake on commandline such that QtCreator
> still uses it ?
By filling a bug report. I can't think of a good work around at the moment.

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