Le 29/06/2010 14:43, Tobias Hunger a écrit :
On 29.06.2010 14:28, ext Christophe Meessen wrote:
Is there a way to configure QtCreator to print directly to a printer ? A
binding with CUPS would be preferable.
All configured printers should show up in creator's print dialog. We 
just tested this on ubuntu 10.04 and it does work here.

Do other (Qt?) applications show the list of printers?

Other desktop applications do show the printer list without problem (I'm running Gnome). But not QtCreator.
This Ubuntu 10.04 installation is an upgrade and not a fresh install.

Apparently I had Qt 4.6.2 installed through synaptic. I didn't uninstalled it. It is split in many packages and I don't know which one to remove.

I then have downloaded the Qt 4.7 with QtCreator 2.0 and run it as root to have it installed in /opt. I then added a soft link qt to point to this directory.

I then added the path to the Qt 4.7 libraries using the commands
> sudo -s
> echo "/opt/qt/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/qtlibs.conf
> ldconfig -v

ldconfig -v shows the Qt 4.7 library and the 4.6.2 too.

I checked the QtCreator binary is static (ldd ./qtcreator), so libraries doesn't come into play here.

What I see is this :

As name the only options are PDF or Postscript into a file. No buttons give access to a list of printers. I couldn't find anything in the progam options.

Another information is that the CUPS printers are not local, but managed by a server.

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